A caregiver’s guide to communicating about love, relationships and sexuality with children under 12 years old

5,95 inc. VAT

Sanderijn van der Doef
Silvia Jongeling



Often parents, caregivers and teachers ask if we can recommend
written material on relationship and sexuality education. We found
a need for something easy to read that is concise and clear and
can be used as a reference, summarizing what we present in our
parent workshops and teacher trainings. We handed out a short
printed booklet, allowing our participants to check whether they
can find an answer to their questions. We have now decided to
publish our booklet as an e-book.

This e-booklet is for parents, caregivers, teachers and anyone who
interacts with children, often or occasionally, and wants to know
more about how and when to offer sensible sexuality education.